Wholistic Life Renewal Testimonials

Why Meditate?

I started meditating at the age of 16, sitting on my beanbag chair for 20 minutes before leaving for high school every morning. I loved the calming feeling it gave me. My mother even noticed a difference in me – less restless, more focused, and definitely calmer. I think it helped my schoolwork as well. It didn’t take long to get me hooked on this new routine – even at the age of 16.

That was the beginning of a life-long meditation practice and a pursuit of penetrating levels of my consciousness. I have achieved this through a state of calm breathing practices followed by deep states of expansive inner peace. Forty-six years after my youthful beginnings, I’m still pursuing and now teaching this practice of meditation with the goal of self-realization.


Exhausting Mind Chatter

Do you ever feel like your mind is caught in a non-stop series of commentaries? It’s exhausting, isn’t it? On and on the mind goes, switching from subject to subject, much of it irrelevant. I read somewhere that the majority of us have 62,000 thoughts in a day. For some people the only break they get from their chatting mind is when they fall asleep at night.

Of course, not all thoughts are unwanted. When our minds are creatively engaged we are using our thinking abilities for good. But what about the rest of the mental activity that swirls around in our heads? Do you ever wonder where the off-switch is? Meditation could be the answer for you. It was for my restless mind.



Benefits from Practicing Meditation

People have been meditating for thousands of years as a way to attain inner peace and a deeper connection with their in-dwelling spirit. There are countless other benefits to meditating affecting our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Most people who meditate have bright eyes, an even and happy demeanor, a balanced perspective on life, enhanced intuitive abilities, and experience less stress. Countless studies have been done by the Maharishi Institute in Iowa showing the many physical benefits from meditation on the human heart, as well as all the other major organs.

Meditation is one of my greatest passions. I gently guide each of my clients in the practice of meditation at the beginning of each coaching session and in all my groups. Many of my clients tell me it has changed their lives. 



Patricia offers monthly Inner Renewal Saturday programs that include longer periods of group meditation and a brief talk on a spiritual topic.  She also periodically offers Meditation Courses at Wholistic Life Renewal. You can purchase her Guided Meditation Download in her online Shop. Feel free to call or email with any inquiries – 707.477.8231 or patricia@wholisticliferenewal.com

Hi, I’m Patricia!

I’m a Certified Life Coach who helps individuals, couples and groups through life transitions, spiritual inquiry and to communicate soulfully.

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About Patricia

I am a Certified Life Coach, Educator and Leader with over 40 years of developed wisdom serving hundreds of clients in my private coaching practice.

I hope you find my blogs to be supportive, as I love teaching and writing and am passionate about helping people through the ups, downs and transitions of life.

Call me at 707.477.8231 to arrange for your one-hour free consultation.

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