Wholistic Life Renewal Testimonials

Managing and Transforming Stress

Let’s face it, this world is a very stressful place. Personal stress from financial strain, relationship difficulty, poor health, or universal stress from global sorrow and suffering and details of the 6 o’clock news can be almost too much to bear! Most of us walk around with depleted adrenal glands, as our bodies just can’t take all the stressful input. Science has proven that a person can even die from too much stress. Does this inspire you, or perhaps scare you, to take steps toward better managing the stress in your life?

Here are some valuable ways to reduce and manage your stress:

1. Change your environment

2. Breathe consciously and deeply

3. Love without holding back

4. Cultivate a meditation practice




Change Your Environment

The great yogic master, Paramahansa Yogananda, taught: Environment is stronger than will power. This means: whatever environment we are in, people we are with, images we watch, music we hear, or situations we are aligned with — all of this has a greater and stronger hold on us than the power of our own will! Are you surprised? I was when I first heard this. I thought with my own free will I could choose my state of mind. I came to learn the wisdom of the master’s words, however, and very soon made better choices for myself. Take a look at the environment and people that surround you and see if you want to make some changes.




Breathe Consciously and Deeply

Next — Breathe! I know you’re thinking you already breathe all day long, but I’m talking about taking conscious, deeper breaths from your lower abdomen throughout the day. You can combine this practice with some yoga stretches. 

Try this exercise:

1. Stand and close your eyes.

2. From your lower abdomen, take a slow full inhalation and let your arms draw up the center of your body and reach for the ceiling.

3. Now slowly release the air completely and let your arms fall gracefully to your sides.

Repeat these steps 3 times. Afterwards, stand calmly in the stillness and feel your body energized yet relaxed. When you are ready, open your eyes. 




Love Without Holding Back

Now – Remember to love more! It is a truth that suffering exists, and as human beings we are trying to find a way out of that suffering. Part of suffering exists from all the ways we withdraw, withhold and contract our hearts. When we have heart-opening experiences, we are able to expand our capacity to love others. This expansion leads to learning how to love ourselves, bringing a much-needed sense of inner peace. When we embrace this expansion of love without holding back, we can finally see a path towards a more peaceful world of human hearts.




Cultivate a Meditation Practice 

Calming your breathe will help calm your mind, which then allows you to dive into the quiet and stillness of your soul. It is in this stillness that we can perceive the connection with our deepest Wisdom Self. Stress melts away and surrenders when peace and stillness are experienced. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.



Explore managing and transforming your stress by signing up for an individualized life coaching package with Patricia, or join one of her Mind Body Spirit Groups. Call or email Patricia with any inquiries – 707.477.8231 or patricia@wholisticliferenewal.com.

Hi, I’m Patricia!

I’m a Certified Life Coach who helps individuals, couples and groups through life transitions, spiritual inquiry and to communicate soulfully.

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About Patricia

I am a Certified Life Coach, Educator and Leader with over 40 years of developed wisdom serving hundreds of clients in my private coaching practice.

I hope you find my blogs to be supportive, as I love teaching and writing and am passionate about helping people through the ups, downs and transitions of life.

Call me at 707.477.8231 to arrange for your one-hour free consultation.

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