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The Profound Truth About Goosebumps

Have you ever wondered about goosebumps? You know, those bumps that appear on your arms when you experience or hear something profound? Most of us get them, but then don’t think much of them. And me? Well, I look forward to goosebump experiences!




Watching for Goosebump Signals

When I’m coaching a client I pay close attention to the goosebump signal I might feel on my own body. It usually means that what I’m hearing them say is profoundly true. It’s a feeling that something is in alignment, which hits to the core of my emotional body and then expresses itself in my physical body. I believe that it’s an instant recognition of the other person’s soul, and my body is picking up on it and saying YES to what I’m hearing!

Sometimes we get goosebumps when we’re alone – perhaps watching a dramatic occurrence before us (in real life or on the screen), or while experiencing a déjà-vu moment. Other times goosebumps may appear when you become cold, a thermoregulatory response in the body, or when you have the flu and get chills. Less frequent one might experience goosebumps from seizures or medication. Although all goosebump experiences are very real, in this blog article I’m specifically writing about goosebumps as a signal that your intuitive self is sending you a message, and that you should make sure to LISTEN.




Other Intuitive signals to watch for:

1. A strong feeling in your gut of truth

2. A clear image that comes into your mind, without trying or thinking

3. An inner voice of clarity giving you a specific message

4. A thought accompanied by a deep sense of inner peace or inner knowing

5. A certain physical sensation that you identify as your intuition guiding you

We should pay close attention when we experience any of these intuitive signals. Our deeper or intuitive selves are speaking to us in these instances. Don’t let this special moment pass without being recognized. Ask yourself: What truth am I perceiving right now? Then listen for the answer within and act on your inner guidance.



Learning about your own intuitive signals and skills is a profound part of the self-discovery process. I offer special Life Coaching Package rates for those who want to experience soul-shifting changes in their lives. It might just give you goosebumps too! Feel free to call or email me with any inquiries – 707.477.8231 or patricia@wholisticliferenewal.com.

Hi, I’m Patricia!

I’m a Certified Life Coach who helps individuals, couples and groups through life transitions, spiritual inquiry and to communicate soulfully.

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About Patricia

I am a Certified Life Coach, Educator and Leader with over 40 years of developed wisdom serving hundreds of clients in my private coaching practice.

I hope you find my blogs to be supportive, as I love teaching and writing and am passionate about helping people through the ups, downs and transitions of life.

Call me at 707.477.8231 to arrange for your one-hour free consultation.

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