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The Heat of Emerging Wisdom

Consider yourself forewarned: this blog entry is just for women! And more specifically – for women over 45. If you’ve ever had a hot flash, a mood swing, a sleepless night, or all of the above at the same time, you probably know where this is heading. Yep, that’s right – it’s time to talk turkey about menopause!

Some women get lucky and hardly experience any symptoms during the change of menopause, but most of us have been blessed with multiple emotional and symptoms. However, what we don’t hear much about is that this is also the time of one’s emerging wisdom-self.



The Wisdom of Menopause

I once described my peri-menopausal years like that of a jigsaw puzzle thrown up in the air with each piece slowly landing in a new and unfamiliar place. In other words: lots of scary change, confusion, and a sense of loss of self-control. The good news is that when you finally reach the completion of peri-menopause and move into full menopause, you experience a renewed sense of self-expression, expanding perception, and powerful magnetic energy! 

Dr. Christine Northrop aptly calls this The Wisdom of Menopause, in her classic book by the same name, for all women going through these changes. She speaks directly to this emerging wisdom and has empowered millions of women who might have otherwise struggled profoundly.



An Amazing Opportunity

If we don’t allow ourselves to go into autopilot, but truly stay conscious of the changes, the menopausal years can be an amazing opportunity for personal growth, and ultimately personal and collective transformation.



Patricia London periodically offers a Health & Wellness Support Group, which can be helpful for anyone going through peri-menopause. Feel free to call or email her with any inquiries – 707.477.8231 or patricia@wholisticliferenewal.com

Hi, I’m Patricia!

I’m a Certified Life Coach who helps individuals, couples and groups through life transitions, spiritual inquiry and to communicate soulfully.

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About Patricia

I am a Certified Life Coach, Educator and Leader with over 40 years of developed wisdom serving hundreds of clients in my private coaching practice.

I hope you find my blogs to be supportive, as I love teaching and writing and am passionate about helping people through the ups, downs and transitions of life.

Call me at 707.477.8231 to arrange for your one-hour free consultation.

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